International fundraiser

NOTICE: Only first 10 applications will be accepted.

Continued from Press Release

Musicians will provide samples of their performances prior to the call. Thompson will evaluate the performance/s during the call. It is open to all music genres.

Steve will be reviewing their work during the call, analyzing the performance and answering any questions that may arise.

For those who have aspirations to compete on national talent contests, this critique will offer the ‘fine tuning’ to increase their chances of moving to the next level.

For songwriters, maybe your songs could wind up being sung by known artists?

Everyone will have the opportunity to individually contract with Steve Thompson Productions, after the call, for future work or a follow up call.

I’ve known Steve since the 70’s, when DJ’s were just coming to clubs. Even then his ear for music stood out, his music choices weren’t the milquetoast “Top 40”. He kept the dance floor packed in every club he worked.

He has truly earned his reputation and the numerous awards in the music industry. Thanks for the hustle disco nights, Steve.”- said DeFazio

Some of his awards in addition to his Grammy’s are: Induction into the Long Island Music Hall of Fame in October 2014; Legends of Vinyl List for- 1st Generation Pioneer DJ’s 1970 – 1974; Diamond Award In Recognition of “Appetite For Destruction” by Geffen Records And The Recording Industry Association of America10 Million U.S. Sales Inaugural Recipient March 1999

Participants are asked to fill out the MUSICIAN INTAKE FORM to arrange for the Zoom call. In order to save your place, please notify us, so that we can place you in the queue, when you mail in this form. Angel@NTEF-USA.Org

For more information on Steve Thompson


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