Smart meter articles


World’s largest solar plant applying for federal grant to pay off federal loan

Saskatoon meters “unfeasible” across province

Success: The end of “smart” meters in Port Angeles, Washington

Itron Brass Accused Of Duping Investors

Ralph Nader’s Viewpoint on Smart Meters: A “Step Toward Technological Despotism”

Wireless Microchip Implant Set For Human Trials

Eugene Water & Electric Board-Voluntary ‘smart’ meter option is adopted

Smart meter opt-out fee announced in letter to MLGW customers

Smart Meter Pamphlet

Why Ground Currents?

Kill A Watt

Smart metering technology ‘could be out-of-date’ by the time it is rolled out, MPs warn

Saskatoon meters “unfeasible” across province

Savings claims linked to smart meter installation ‘exaggerated’

 Critical Problem with ‘Smart’ Meters: The Switching-Mode Power Supply (SMPS)

Smart meter catches fire at home in east Regina

Are wind turbines making people sick?

UPDATED: Smart meter testing used Hanley residents as ‘guinea pigs’: NDP

Analog Meters Withstand “Hot Sockets” Better Than Smart Meters

CIBSE Journal (UK): “DECC’s smart meters a waste of money”

Bohemia Fire Department backs out of cell tower plan

Cellphone Boom Spurs Antenna-Safety Worries

Apple’s new iPhones may cause serious health damage due to high radiation

Quebec energy board cuts fees for smart-meter opt-out

Reno smart meter fires more widespread than first feared

Smart meter fires: Lakeland Electric recalls 10.5k Sensus meters

The Return to Analog Utility Meters

SaskPower says smart meter company will pay back $24M in cash

Electrosmog in the Environment

Smart Meters are a ‘time bomb’ for utilities — insurance and security experts cited on industry website

Are tens of thousands of defective “smart” meters being stealthily replaced in Arizona?

Smart meter fires: Lakeland Electric recalls 10.5k Sensus meters

Ralph Nader interview on smart meters Part 1  Part 2

Promise Made, Promise Kept: “Electricity Rates Would Necessarily Skyrocket” –

ComEd Raises Rates 38% To Pay For Smart Meters

PG&E: Leveraging Smart Meters and Data to Power Analytic Solutions

SSM! Australia Demonstration: Time for Change

Low-tech but highly reliable: NJ meter readers still make the rounds

Residential Electricity Use Feedback: A Research Synthesis and Economic Framework

The Wireless Smart Meter Meltdown

Serious fire on Oxford Street caused by Smart Meter installation gone wrong

Oh, Baby: Wearables Track Infants’ Vital Signs

CHAMP-Lights out

Three Attorney Generals Reject “Smart”-meters as Too Expensive after Testing

EU Panel: Human robotization, Nano implant technologies, Mind control slavery, Neurological weapons torture, Gang stalking – The “Transhumanist Agenda”

Veteran off the grid after smart meter battle with Hydro One

Springdale Residents Divide Over New “Smart Meters

Smart Grid Cybersecurity: DHS Reports Vulnerability in Rugged Com’s Software

Stanford scientists break record for thinnest light-absorber

10 Years After The Blackout, How Has The Power Grid Changed?

How smart are ‘smart meters’? Enough to stir a ruckus in Port Angeles

Special Report: Sustainable Development and the Control of Energy: The Growing Battle over Smart Meters.

Power Takeover: What’s Wrong With “Smart” Meters?

Tech is killing childhood

Smart Grid Cybersecurity: DHS Reports Vulnerability in RuggedCom’s Software

Smart meter opponents called a ‘lynch mob,’ meter rep walks out

Why the U.S. Power Grid’s Days Are Numbered


Grid electrical pollution (dirty power) and smart meters

Smart Meter Deployment Handbook (NVE)

Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Opt-Out

Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics

School experiment discovers garden cress won’t germinate near a router

Pennsylvania Utility Plans To Complete Smart Meter Rollout Five Years Early

The right way to make the business case for self-healing smart grids

What’s the Point of an Electricity Storage Mandate?

Former Texas PUC Chair Urges Smart Meter Opt-Out, Asks PUC to Minimize Opt-Out Costs

Dissolving Micro-Chip Will Tell Big Brother Your Every Move

Zuckerberg announces plan to increase Internet connectivity (+video)

Some Springdale residents resisting ‘smart’ water meters

The Standard of Unyielding Integrity

Smart Meters: Forced Installation, Energy Usage and Higher Bills

Smart meter opponents called a ‘lynch mob,’ meter rep walks out

Lakeland fire sparks concerns about ‘smart meters’

Are you allergic to your cell phone?

Mesh Range Extenders

NSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companies


Germans switch to national email providers after US scandal

When the Lights Go Out On November 13, 2013

States Get Smart: Encouraging and Regulating Smart Grid Technologies and Developments

Smart meters cutting load and changing grid management

Power Off at Edison

Pentagon Launches Desperate Damage Control Over Shocking Panetta Testimony

 WI smart meter complaints: ‘There’s way too much government control’

Smart meter opt-out measure stalls while bill that loosens utilities’ liability gains traction

Smart Meter Fires: Smoking Meters, Smoking Gun, Smoking Profit

Smart Meters Safety Questioned After Fires

Smart Clothing

Higher Numbers of Inaccurate Smart Meters Than Reported

SGCC refutes alarm over AMI lawsuits, cites tiny numbers

Conflict of Interest shakes Canada’s Review of Wireless and Cell Phone Safety

Smart Meter Health Hazard Dr Paul Dart Unpaid Expert Part 1

OFGEM Complaint: British Gas Misleading Customers On Smart Meters

Group of Consumers Energy customers wants out of smart meter program, files claim with Michigan Court of Appeals

Was this computer nerd killed after discovering how to murder anyone with a pacemaker?

America’s 5 most loveable utilities

Electrical Workers Union Speaks Out Against Smart Meters

Bio-electromagnetic Weapons

Installer Speaks Of Smart Meter Problems

Smart Meter: heros and bullies in Oklahoma

Will smart clothes spell the end of the weekly wash?

Is there more to Google-Berg than Alex Jones is telling us?

Muni-Wireless / U-Cities

Texas Woman Says ‘We Are The People’ And We Don’t Want Your Smart Meters

Some Springdale residents resisting ‘smart’ water meters

Big Sis Says Cyber Attack WILL Bring Down Power Grid: ‘When Not If’

Energy and Climate Change Committee – Written evidence submitted by Stop Smart Meters!

Change in smart meter policy pleases residents

Sedona Supports Community-Wide Smart Meter Opt-Out

Wonder what happened to PG&E’s analog meters? November 29, 2012

Why Stop Smart Meters?

Woman (licensed to carry) pulls gun on utility worker while he tries to force smart meter on her home:

Householders shield homes from smart meter radiation

Smart meters in California:

Electrical smart meters face fresh scrutiny

Increasing incidence of burnout due to magnetic and electromagnetic fields of cell phone networks and other wireless communication technologies

Mobile Company Turns Adorable Pets Into Moving WiFi Hotspots

Laval group refuses

Julian Assange on what the “smart” revolution is REALLY all about

Some home owners are CUT OFF FROM THE ELECTRIC GRID, left with no power at all, for refusing smart meter on their home:
Smart Meter Installations & Fires


Mich. customers oppose fees to refuse power meters

Smart Metering in Europe

Excel Energy Decision to Recover Smart Grid Costs

Toxic Light – The Dark Side of Energy Saving Bulbs

PUC to Xcel Energy: That $16.6 million you wanted? No dice

FortisBC Energy- Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project.

As Towns Say No, Signs of Rising Resistance to Smart Meters

Paying for electricity by the kilowatt hour: Is the end coming?

Changing Consumption Patterns- UN

Big brother to switch off your fridge: Power giants to make millions – but you must pay for ‘sinister’ technology

Sacramento Smart Meter Awareness Finally Wins the Official Right to an Analog (After much Blood, Sweat, and Tears)

Cindy Sage Challenges the “Smart” in LADWP’s “Smart” Grid

Consumers favor solar over smart grid

Governor vetoes bill that would upgrade electric grid

Legislators take steps to rein in California Public Utilities Commission

British MPs told of ‘smart’ meter risks; UK rollout delayed by over a year

As Towns Say No, Signs of Rising Resistance to Smart Meters

How to organize your community to halt “smart” meter installs (Case study from Fairfield, Iowa)

B.C. man uses bomb to fight smart meter installation: RCMP

Assessment of Demand Response & Advanced Metering


Smart Grid-Related Legislation and Regulation Activities

Solar panels could destroy U.S. utilities, according to U.S. utilities

China Tests a Small Smart Electric Grid

Bill would eliminate $12-per-month ‘opt-out’ fee for smart meters in Maine

New “Surveillance-Proof” App To Secure Communications Has Governments Nervous

‘Smart’ Meter Coverage Goes International

SmartMeter moratorium draws rebuke from CPUC

‘Smart’ Meters Explode, Cause Fire in Santa Rosa Mall

‘Unusual’ number of fires, smart meters linked

A brief history of meter companies and meter evolution

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Smart Grid

An experiment too expensive for consumers

Angry owners blame smart meters as costly gadgets blow

Appling Family Blames House Fire On Georgia Power Meter

Are “smart meters” smart (1 of 3)

Are Smart Electrical Meters A Smart Choice?

Are Smart Meters Causing Fires?

Are Wireless Smart Meters Safe ? 

Australian Smart Meter Disaster

Back in the spotlight: Reports of smart meters catching fire in the Chicago area

Bath enacts ‘Smart Meter’ delay (Maine)

BC Hydro union rallying against smart meters

Burbank ACTION (Against Cell Towers In Our Neighborhood)

Bystander effects now abundantly confirmed

California Looks Harder at the ‘Smart Grid’ (CPUC’s Division of Ratepayer Advocates new analysis)

Call to block smart meters in Kilsyth

Cell Phone Towers: The 3 a.m. Alarm Clock

Cellphone-safety advocate hopes Congress forces the FCC to update its regulations

CFL light-bulbs warning from Fire Department

Chuck Norris Electrosmog: Smart Meters Are a Stupid Idea (Part 2 of 2)

Citizens for Safe Technology

Coincidence or Cluster?

ComEd: Smart Meter Installation Causes Three Area House Fires

Consumers Smarting Over Meters

Council gives nod to opt-out option for ‘smart meters’

Doubts cast over consumer benefits of smart meters

Empowering choices

EMRHA & BC Hydro

Face to Face with Smart Meters

Field of cell tower beams

Fire Concerns Lead PECO To Halt Smart Meter Installations

Fire-prone meter boxes causing concern

First Nation blocks smart meter installation

Google axes PowerMeter–a bad sign for others?

Government reach for secure electric grid exceeds its grasp

Green party does about-face, seeks smart meter ban

Help Me Howard: FPL Smartmeter

Home owner blames smart meter installation for destructive fire 

How to Stop Smart Meter Opt-Out Mandates from Advancing Across America?

Immediate Opt-Out and Ban on Smart Meters (Petition)

Is the Electrical Grid the Next Titanic?

Italian consumer group warns of Wi-Fi health risks on trains

It’s official-cell phones are killing the bees

KIUC Board Approves Resolution for Smart Meter Deferral

Letter: Smart Meters Present Real Danger

Many Are Claiming Health Problems Caused by Smart Meters

Maryland rejects Baltimore Gas and Electric’s Smart Grid Plan

MCG to seal 298 ‘hazardous’ mobile towers near houses

Microwaving Iraq ‘Pacifying’ Rays Pose New Hazards In Iraq

More switch off smart meter rollout

New "Smart Meters" Can Overheat, Cause Fires

New electric meters sparking protests in Oakland, Macomb counties

NIST Releases Test Framework for Upgrading Smart Electrical Meters

No faith those meters are really ‘smart’

Not-So-Smart Meter Leaving Grandmother, Children in the Heat

One-Third of US Homes Have a Smart Meter

Oops there goes another Smart Meter

Open Letter to Parents, Teachers, School Boards. Regarding Wi-Fi Networks in Schools

Opponents of PG&E ‘smart meters’ stand firm

Opposition to smart meter systems in growing

Organic certification threatened by tower

Pa. Regulator Calls On PECO To Testify At Smart Meter Hearing

Panetta: Cyber intruders have already infiltrated US systems

Parents call for halt to Wi-Fi installations in schools, citing health concerns

Peco extends freeze of overheating smart meters

Peco suspends smart-meter installation after fire

Peco swaps meter makers, moves ahead with installations

Pennsylvania PUC expands review of Peco's overheating smart meters

Pepco Meter Mania!

PG&E acknowledges SmartMeter problems

PG&E caught on tape threatening disconnection of service for “smart meter” refusal.

PG&E customers can sign up for Smart Meter delay

PG&E Threatens Disconnection

PG&E twists “SmartMeter” opt-out into involuntary opt-in to higher fees

Port Orange gets tough on FPL over smart meters

Power mishap damages appliances for Livermore residents

Press Release-  PECO Resumes Meter Installation Work

Privacy Questions Accompany Automated License Plate Scanners

Protesters gather to fight smart meters *PG&E’s Big Confession

PUC Order from January 11, 2012 meeting on NVE EDUCATING the public and disclosing delay list.

PUC Staff Comments on Opt Out and Fees

Questions About Smart Grid Meters Persist

Radiation from Hydro’s Smart Meters may be too dangerous

Radiation risks: Raiders of the lost archive

Recent reports on wireless

Recommended Action. Smart meters: Let’s be clever and team up

Refuse Smart Meters

Renewable energy project warning to CA cities

Research says SmartMeters safe, but many see need for more study

Residents blast Smart Meters

Residents vs Rogers over cellphone site

Resolution OK’d to impose smart meters delay

RESONANCE – Beings of Frequency – Theatrical Trailer

Restore the Analog Meters!

Revealed: how energy firms spy on environmental activists

Seventy Pepco Customers Say No to Smart Meters

Shrubs Don’t Lie- We Should Listen When They Die

Sick of Wi-Fi: The debate over wireless safety is not going away

Smart Grid The Implementation of Technocracy?

Smart Meter Action Kit

Smart Meter Alert

Smart Meter Battle Heats Up in Both ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’ States

Smart meter fire risks?

Smart Meter Fires

Smart Meter Fires and Explosions

Smart Meter Fires Tell “Difficult” Smart Grid Story;  IEEE Puts Industry on Notice

Smart Meter Fires: Can the Power Industry Manage the Risks?

Smart Meter Interference

Smart meter movement stirs rowdy debate in Texas

Smart Meter Opponent Anna Logmeter Gets Her Sass On

Smart meter opt-out program a compromise for both sides

Smart Meter Research

Smart Meters – Smarter Practices Document

Smart meters bring installation woes for customers, Georgia Power

Smart Meters in Rural Massachusetts (higher than router emissions)

Smart Meters May Soon Be Outdated

Smart Meters not making sense

Smart meters- stop the invasion

Smart Meters, Dumb Utilities

Smart Meters. Don’t let your electric company install new meters

Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation

Smart Meters: The Deadly Drone Attached on your House

Smart meters:  Her heart’s not in it.

Smart-Meter Defiance Slows $29 Billion U.S. Grid Upgrade

Some Ann Arbor residents seek moratorium as DTE Energy continues installation of ‘smart meters’ Inc. Internet Provider CEO: “I Hate Wireless.”

Sparwood fire fighters respond to the Sparwood post office

 ‘Standards-Analysis Paralysis’ In The Smart Grid Industry

Stop Smart Meters

Taken for a Ride: PG&E Destroys Functional Analog Meters

Technocracy Endgame: Global Smart Grid

Tests prove wireless network could jam GPS systems

Texans demand freedom from smart meters

Texas Activist Who Pulled Gun on “Smart Meter” Man Speaks Out

Texas Investigation Reveals Smart Meter Fire Risk

The problems with Smart Grids

The radiation readings were so high I had to get an additional piece of equipment to read how high the spikes went.

UCAN to PUC: Smart Meters Shouldn’t Be Forced Upon SDG&E customers

Use of Homeless as Internet Hot Spots Backfires on Marketer

Utility Consumers’ Action Network

Why “Smart Meters” Are Not Smart For You!

Why the power grid is becoming more dangerous as it gets smarter

Wi Fi in schools proven dangerous

Wi-Fi dispute continues to raise concerns


Wireless Pushback Spreads

Wireless Watch

Woman Pulls Gun To Prevent Smart Meter Installation

You Ain’t Nothin’ But a Dumb Meter

You don’t want a Smart Meter for electricity,” – How About No Meter at all

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