Medical Testing Labs

 WALK-IN LAB  (Affordable Lab Tests)


For lab testing services, we have contracted exclusively with:


Walk-In Lab Telephone: 800-539-6119 or Contact Us


Walk-In Lab: 

  • Sells hundreds of medical lab tests nationwide
  • Can ship lab test kits to many countries
  • Contracts only with CLIA-certified laboratories
  • Provides the doctor’s order required by the lab
  • Offers a low-price guarantee
  • Guarantees the best customer service you will find!


Ordering is as easy as 1-2-3:
1.  Order Online or Call 800-539-6119
2.  Visit Local Lab
3.  Receive Confidential Results Online


Walk-In Lab extends an additional discount to Health Care Providers that place orders online for their patients.  If you are an accredited healthcare professional and would like to apply, simply visit Walk-In Lab or call 800-539-6119 for more details.


PATIENTS SELF-ORDERING TESTS:   Just a few of the tests offered by Walk-In Lab include:

LABCORP TESTS:  Patients visit local LabCorp and minimum age is 18.

Complete Blood Count (CBC) #005009    Your Price $26 (Retail $37, You Save $11)

Mold Allergen Profile #062448 (12 tests)   Your Price $245 (Retail $314, You Save $69)


TEST KITS:  Kit shipped to anyone regardless of age.  Local blood draw required on certain kits.

Adrenal Stress Plus Metametrix Saliva Kit     Your Price $258 (Retail $341, You Save $83)

10 Environmental Chemicals ALCAT Blood Kit   Your Price $170 (Retail $199, You Save $29)

IgE Inhalants Genova Blood Kit    Your Price $365 (Retail $388, You Save $23)

ALCAT 21 Mold Blood Kit     Your Price $194 (Retail $198, You Save $4)

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