Health Tips & Home Made Remedies/Products

These tips are for informational purposes only. The information provided on this page is designed to inform, not to replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician. These pages have not been fully vetted for accuracy. We do not endorse the implementation of these in lieu of protocols made by your treating physician.

3 Homemade Cough Remedies

3 Myths About GMO’s

4 Super foods

6 Air Purifying House Plants

6 Healing foods high in fiber to regulate your digestion

7 Health Benefits of Celery

7 Side Effects of Soda

8 Most Alkaline Foods

9 Immunity Boosting Foods

9 Ingredients to avoid in processed foods

10 Dairy free sources of Calcium

10 Super foods to improve blood circulation

10 Worst food ingredients

12 Benefits of Olive Oil

15 Uses for Baking Soda

20 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

21 Uses for Epsom Salt

22 Non-GMO Companies

40 Uses for baking soda

Advanced Kidney Care

Agave Nectar

Alkaline Foods


Am I hydrated

Amazing Benefits of Pinenuts

Amazing benefits of strawberries

Anti-cancer fruits and vegetables

Anti-cancer super fruits

Anti-inflammatory foods

Apple cider vinegar cures

Are you a diet soda drinker

Are you Gluten Intolerant

Are your children snuggling with toxins?

Aspartame Side Effects


Baking Soda as a Fungicide

Bananas- did you know

Bed, Dust Mite Repellant

Bee Sting Remedies

Bell peppers

Benefits of bananas

Benefits of Blackberries

Benefits of berries

Benefits of flax seed oil

Benefits of oranges

Benefits of Rebounding

Benefits of turmeric

Best anti-aging foods

Best anti-cancer foods

Best Foods for Brain

Best juice for skin

Best natural antibiotics

Best and worst foods for diabetics

Black cumin- secret miracle heal all

Biological Effects of Fluoride

Brain booster smoothie

Calcium foods

Cancer fighting foods

Carpel tunnels syndrome symptom remedies

Cell Phones & Pregnancy

Chemicals under the microscope


Chlorella and spirulina


Cinnamon lip balm

Cleanse lymph system

Clean your kidneys

Cold and flu buster

Cold clearing tea

Cold versus flu

Color food benefits

Complications From Chronic High Blood Pressure

Consequences of Childhood Chemical Injury

Control Diabetes

Control your craving

Cosmetic Chemicals in Fast Food

Cruciferous Vegetables

Detox Bath Recipe


Eating colors for health


Even more reasons to eat fruit

Fabric Softener


Flu fighter immune booster

Fly Repellants

Food additives to avoid

Food and benefits

Food and herb natural antibiotics

Food Craving Alternatives

Food nutrients

Food Synergy

Food to avoid if you have hypothyroidism

Foods and herbs for arthritis and other inflammatory pain

Foods for your waistline

Foods heal kidneys

Foods rich in enzymes

Foods that create or eliminate mucus

Foods that cut fat

Foods that eliminate cause of inflammation

Foods that fight inflammation

Foods that kill cancer

Foods that kill candida

Foods that lower blood pressure

Foods that mimic body parts

Foods that rid parasites

Foods to improve thyroid

Fragranced Products Information Network Brochure

Fruit benefits

Fruits and vegetables high in magnesium

GMO- our right to know

Garlic just crush it

Glow skin mist


Green onions as alternative medicine

Green smoothie

Green tea

Garlic just crush it

Glow skin mist

Green onions as alternative medicine

Green smoothie

Green tea

Homemade healing cream for eczema and psoriasis

Healing herbs and spices 1

Healing herbs and spices 2

Health benefits of cabbage

Health benefits of cats claw

Health benefits of cilantro

Health benefits of dandelion root

Health benefits of figs

Health benefits of paprika

Health benefits of purifying house plants

Health benefits of sour sop

Health Benefits of Spinach

Herbal alternatives for asthma

Herbs naturally treat or prevent colon cancer

Hidden benefits of sweating

Hidden GMO Ingredients

Hidden GMO’s & Other Chemicals in Beer

Higher IQ Night Owls

Home Remedies for Dandruff

Homeopathic Remedies for allergies and Sensitivities


How pineapple benefits the body

How to cleanse your lymph system

How to tell if an avocado is ripe

Improve memory with spinach

Indoor Air Chemistry

Ingredients of Cosmetics Often Same as in Paints and Pesticides

Interior Design

Introducing the next stage of cancer

Iron Galore

Iron rich foods

Key Pharmacy Pall and Ziem Treatment Protocol

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese

Know your plastics


Lower blood pressure

Magnesium the essential forgotten mineral

Medicinal use and benefits of cayenne pepper (capsicum)

Metabolism boosting foods

Milk thistle


Monsanto corn

Monsanto New Clothes

Monsanto’s revolving door

More reasons to eat fruit

Most popular chemical additives in food industry

Mulberrries for Cognitive Function

Myalgic Encephalitis

Myth about MCS

Natural cures

Natural cures urinary tract infections

Natural exfoliators for oily skin

Natural hair growth enhancers

Natural Pain killers in the kitchen

Natural pesticides

Natural Raspberry Truth

Natural remedies for anxiety

Natural remedies for gout

Natural remedies for healthier hair

Natural remedies for kidney stones

Natural remedies for psoriasis

Natural enemies of garden pests

Natural Toothache Remedies

Naturally relieve mosquito bites

New Mexico MCS Brochure

No One Should Be Afraid To Call 911


Organic vs. conventional

Organic vs. natural

pH chart


Peppermint oil

Perfluorinated Compounds

Perfumes Contaminate Our Classrooms

Pesticides and Public Health: Critical Literature on Human Health 2001-2005 (free download-scroll to bottom of page)

Pineapple benefits the body

Pomegranate the elixir of youth

Power of Papaya

Properties of Peaches

Protein a beauty building block-vegan

Rainbow Diet

Raw alkaline green smoothie

Red Cabbage

Red fruits and vegetables

Regional Symptoms & Syndrome Related to Fibromyalgia

Removing Odors & Smells from Clothing


Royal blue & regal purple in foods

Simple, cheap, green cleaning recipes

Smoothie recipes

Sore throat tea

Stop breast cancer-curcumin and omega 3-S

Sunburn Remedies

Supermarket foods with fragrances

Symptoms and Treatments for Allergies and Sensitivities

Tips for Anesthetics and Hospitalization for People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Top 10 GMO foods

Top 10 hydrating foods

Top 10 sources of veggie protein

Top 12 anti-asthma foods

Top Food Cures for Psoriasis

Top water rich foods

Toxic chemicals are in your home


Unusual uses for baking soda

Uses of Chlorophyll

Uses of garlic

Vegetable flavor families

Vitamin B-17

Vitamin boosters

Vitamins and where to find them

Watermelon basil slush

What does your food cravings mean

Whats your skin is telling you

Wheatgrass liquid gold

Why you should eat more watermelon

Why you should be eating parsley

Worst side effects of soda

Yoga for pain

Your amazing liver




















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