Dr. Jack Thrasher, P.h.D.


Dr. Thrasher received his BS degree from California State University, and his Ph.D. from the University of California, School of Medicine where he continued to serve in a professorship / research position for the next 8 years.

His toxicology and immunotoxicology work with regard to ground water contamination, Indoor Air issues, Smog, Solvents, Pesticides, Implantable Devices and many different chemicals and chemical compounds have made him renowned in his field.

He has been a consulting toxicologist / immunotoxicologist to a diverse spectrum of laboratories, regulatory organizations (including the Department of Health and FDA), pharmaceutical / medical device companies, organizations interested in ongoing research, medical facilities and law firms who have sought his knowledge and expertise as an expert witness providing both consulting services and expert testimony since 1984.

He has been involved in the publication of ongoing research (e.g.: scientific journals, textbooks, formal committee advisory reports) throughout his career documenting medical and scientific findings at a peer-reviewed level from the perspective of an originating author to the opposite end of this spectrum as an editing publisher.

Dr. Thrasher’s vast experience combined with a genuine interest in his work and the implications of our ever advancing scientific findings have given him tremendous depth in his overall perspective. His conviction toward the continued cautious advance of proven science is based on a keen awareness of the prices paid in the interest of advancement. As a consultant  he has explored community after community where the full impact of what are now well –known associated environmental problems and risks associated with particular industries have been felt and impacted generation after generation. The extent of safeguard considerations are best contemplated by a panel of experts without a financial interest in the industrial outcome and a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms and biochemical processes which are present. It is only with complete understanding of the possible risks that one can attempt to relay these risks in order to put appropriate safeguards into place and get an informed consent.

As we look at the environmental issues facing society today, we must make a commitment to change directions toward a safer course for future advancement. Dr. Thrasher has devoted his life’s work in this direction and is committed to mankind’s future.

Resume for Dr. Thrasher.

Power Point for Dr. Thrashers presentation on “The Complexity of Damp Indoor Spaces

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