
Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic

7 Day Detox Miracle

200 Million Tons of Aluminum Aerosol Chemtrail Poisoning All Life  – video

A Chemical Reaction- video

A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives (4th Ed)

A Maverick of Medicine Speaks to Women

A Question of Intent (Tobacco Industry that Could be Correlated to Chemical, Cosmetic Industries)

AEHA Guide to Less Toxic Products

Adrenal Fatigue

An Alternative Approach to Allergies

Book on Astaxanthin Now Available as Free Download

Ask Dr. Sears – The Vaccine Book

Autoimmune Epidemic Balance Cutting Edge- -Book

Betrayal by the Brain

Canary in the Courtroom

Cancer is a Fungus

Cancer’s Natural Enemy

Casualties of Progress

CFS (Free book)

Chemical Alert! : A Community Action Handbook

Chemical Brain Injury

Chemical Sensitivity

Chemically Induced Birth Defects

Chemicals : What You Need to Know

Clean and Green: The Complete Guide to Non-Toxic and Environmentally Safe Housekeeping

Complete Book of Homeopathy

Death By Modern Medicine

Designer Poisons: How to Protect Your Health and Home from Toxic Pesticides

Detoxify or Die

Drop Dead Gorgeous

Dying to Look Good : The Disturbing Truth About What’s Really in Your Cosmetics, Toiletries and Personal Care Products 

Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine

Environmental illness at home

Environmentally Induced Illnesses:

Ethics, Risk Assessment and Human Rights

Environmentally Sick Schools

Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills

Explaining Unexplained Illnesses– Book (inside preview)

Fight for your health

Fighting Toxics : A Manual for Protecting Your Family Community and Workplace

Food, Inc.-Free movie  

Free Online Books-1

Free Online Books- 2

Free CD-ROMs About Herbs, Hypnosis, Psychic Powers, and Dream

From Here to Longevity

Get a Whiff of This: Perfumes (fragrances) — the Invisible Chemical Poisons 

Healing Power of Water (E BOOK)

Healing with Homeopathy

Healthy Living in a Toxic World:

Home Safe Home : Protecting Yourself and Your Family from Everyday Toxics and Harmful Household Products in the Home

Homesick the Video

How Everyday Products Make People Sick: Toxins at Home and in the Workplace

How to Fight Cancer and Win

How to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine

Idiots Guide to Acupuncture

Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies

I’m sorry, but, your perfume makes me sick.

Impossible Child

In the Name of Science

Is this your child?

Is this your child’s world?

Is it safe (video)

Living Downstream: A Scientist’s Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment

Malice & Medicine

Martin Pall, Ph.D. discusses his book


Mold Warriors

Natural Babycare: Pure and Soothing Recipes and Techniques for Mothers and Babies

Natural Beauty at Home, : More Than 250 Easy to Use Recipes for Body,Bath, and Hair

News Release Video About Toxins

No-Grain Diet

Nontoxic, Natural & Earthwise

Our Stolen Future

Our Toxic World 

Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work

PVC-free film screenings at New York Colleges

Pesticides Cause Parkinson’s Disease

Pet Health: How to secure your pet’s long-term health, safety and welfare- Free download

Philosophy of Natural Therapies

Prescriptions for A Healthy House

Purify Your Body

Review of Toxicologic and Radiologic Risks to Military Personnel from Exposure to Depleted Uranium During and After Combat – Read the book free online

Safer for your baby (BOOK)

Science of Being Well (free e-book)

Success in the clean bedroom

The Bug Stops Here

The Detox Diet

The Future Of Food- Free movie

The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?

The Natural Pharmacy

The Natural Physicians Healing Therapies

The Safe Shopper’s Bible : A Consumer’s Guide to Nontoxic Household Products, Cosmetics, and Food

The Tomato Effect-movie

Thief of Many Lives

Total Wellness: Improve Your Health by Understanding and Cooperating with Your Body’s Natural Healing Systems

Toxic Exposures: Contested Illnesses and the Environmental Health Movement

Toxic Properties of Pesticides

Toxics A to Z

The Toxins Return – video

Truth Publishing (Free ebooks)

VIDEO: Vaccination: The Hidden Truth (1998)

Vitamin D Cure 

Wellness Against All Odds

What’s In This Stuff?: The Hidden Toxins in Everyday Products – and What You Can Do About Them

What’s in Your Cosmetics? : A Complete Consumer’s Guide to Natural and Synthetic Ingredients

Wisdom of The Body

Your Brain and Your Self: What You Need to Know

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