Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Cell Physiology, Immune, Enzymes, Genetics & Physiology


Muscle cell abnormalities

Your Cellphone Might Be Making You Fat

Your cell phone could be making you fat — but probably not in the way you think

Rethinking Telomeres

How Emulsifiers Are Messing with Our Guts (and Making Us Fat)

How Lab Rats Are Changing Our View of Obesity

How Emulsifiers Are Messing with Our Guts (and Making Us Fat)

Food preservatives linked to obesity and gut disease

Flame retardants found to cause metabolic, liver problems, animal study shows

Huge epigenomic map examines life’s impact on our genes

In battle to shape immunity, environment often beats genes

Superbugs could erase a century of medical advances,’ experts warn

Toxins in the environment might make you older than your years

Student makes life-saving cystic fibrosis discovery – while on work experience (fungus)

Optimizing Metabolism

Metabolic Pathways

Cell biology and EMF safety standards.

Scientists discover how to ‘switch off’ autoimmune diseases

Exacerbation of allergic diseases by chemicals: role of TSLP.

Allergic contact dermatitis in children: review of the past decade.

The weaker sex? Male vulnerabilities challenge a stereotype

Should baby boomers worry about the health hazards they grew up with?

New research links pesticide exposure to adverse effects three generations later

Whole-Gene Scan Analyzes Mystery Illnesses in Kids

Effects of environmental oxidant stressors on individuals with a G-6-PD deficiency with particular reference to an animal model.

Epigenetics: genes, environment and the generation game

The Stomach Bacteria That Could Prolong Your Life

Household chemicals linked to slight weight gain

Epigenetics: The Controversial Science Behind Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

Is The Central Valley’s Air Pollution Affecting Our Cells And Genes?

The Toxins That Affected Your Great-Grandparents Could Be In Your Genes

The microbes in your gut may be making you fat or keeping you thin

A Gut Reaction

How nightmare microbes could spell the end of the world’s ‘antibiotic miracle’

Modern life versus microbes: Our obsession with clean living is harming us

Research: Fight against bacteria is harming environment and humans

Long-lived epigenetic interactions between perinatal PBDE exposure and Mecp2308 mutation.

Virus experiments risk unleashing global pandemic, study warns

Common solvents tied to birth defects

Gerontogens: These Chemicals Could Trigger Accelerated Aging

Stress can affect future generations’ genes

Clinical Importance of the cytochromes P450

Ob-Gyns Can Prevent Negative Health Impacts of Environmental Chemicals

Epigenetics: New Science Reveals How You Can Change Your DNA

Biomarker measurements of concurrent exposure to multiple environmental chemicals and chemical classes in children

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