Alternative Medicine



11 Healing Home Remedies for Eczema

6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition

6 Cancer Causers at Home You Should Get Rid Of


10 Steps to Avoid Toxic Chemicals

Homeopathy- A-Z listing of 600+ symptoms with matching remedy

ABC Homeopathy

AIDS and Homeopathy Project Causes a Stir  

ANH sues FDA over suppression of free speech on selenium health benefits  

A Natural ADHD Remedy (It’s Free and Side-Effect Free

A Tipping Point For Homeopathy? Homeopathics Work on Breast Cancer


Acupressure Guide

Acupuncture and Moxibation ( Migraines and Acupuncture)

Acupuncture as a complementary therapy to the pharmacological treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: randomised controlled trial.

Acupuncture Clears Seasonal Allergies

Adrenal nutrition and natural remedies for adrenal fatigue

Adrenal Support- Homeopathic (not to be taken at night)

Alkaline & Acidic Foods Chart: The pH Spectrum

Analysis: Allergy drops a good alternative to shots

Anita’s Garden

Apple Cider Vinegar is Effective Treatment for Candida

Applied Kinesiology

Auricular Acupuncture May Help Treat Insomnia

Autoschizis: Vitamins or Frequencies Can Cause Cell Death

Ayurvedic herbal supplements as an antidote to 9/11 toxicity

Ayurvedic Remedies for Post Partum Disorders

Bacterial infections

Baking soda ‘could slow kidney disease’

Benefit from Alternative Medicine and Hypnosis

Benefits of using turmeric for liver detox

Bicarbonate Treatment for Swine Flu (1924)

Burzynski ClinicCabbage as a healing remedy.Caffeine May Prevent and Help Reverse Alzheimer’s DiseaseCandida: Lifestyle Changes will Bring Balance Capsaicin from Chili Peppers May Work as Potent Dental Anesthetic Carnosine Stops Nerve Excitotoxicity

Cerecomp (Mental Fatigue, Poor Memory, Lack of Concentration)

Chelation stirs controversyChelation, The time has comeChinese herbs and herbal extracts for PD

Chinese Herbs Relieve Menstrual Pain Better than Drugs or Acupuncture

Chinese Herbs Treat Endometriosis Better Than Western Medicine  

Chinese Plant Compound Wipes out Cancer in 40 Days, Says New Research

Chlorophyll and Chlorophyllin

Clinically Proven Oral Chelation: Heavy Metal Detoxification

Coenzyme Q10: a review of its promise as a neuroprotectant.

Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

Comfrey Promotes Healing of Wounds  

Common Ailments and related homeopathic remedies

Common Spices Work Better than Aspirin to Stop Blood Clots

Comparative Effectiveness of Homoeopathic vs. Conventional Therapy in Usual Care of Atopic Eczema in Children

Complementary and alternative treatments for childhood headaches.

Conquering Yeast Infections Naturally

Cuba uses Homeopathy – makes history, NOSODES 2008

Curcumin enhances paraquat-induced apoptosis of N27 mesencephalic cells via the generation of reactive oxygen species.

Cutting Edge of Science, Homeopathy and Nanomedicine w/ Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH — Part I (of V) (Video)

Demystifying Homeopathy (online book)

Detox’: science or sales pitch?

Discover the Powerful Benefits of Garlic  

Dry Skin Brushing can Strengthen Immunity, Spark Detoxification and Reverse the Hands of Time

‘Dung Of The Devil’ Plant Roots Point To New Swine Flu Drugs

Ear Acupuncture

Ear reflexology

Ease Excruciating Earaches Naturally   

Effectiveness of the Homeopathic Preparation Zeel Compared with Carprofen in Dogs with Osteoarthritis

Electro dermal Screening Machines

Electrodermal Screening

Electrodermal screening


Energy Medicine

Enzyme Therapy For Cancer Prevention And Treatment

Epidermal Layers

Eye Care, Naturally: Treatment Options for Macular Degeneration, Eye Strain,

Facts on Honey and Cinnamon: It is found that a mixture of honey and Cinnamon cures most diseases.

Fermented Wheat Germ Extract Beneficial in Cancer Therapy

Fingernail Diagnosis1

Fingernail Diagnosis 2

Fingernail Diagnosis Chart

Flushing Out Lead, Metals With Chelation Therapy

Folic Acid May Help Treat Allergies, Asthma

Folic acid might be losing its sheen

Four Herbs with Powerful Health Benefits You Should Know About

Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine

Ginger Treats Cancer, Brain Inflammation, Radiation, Staph & Much More!

Grape Seed Extract Kills Leukemia Cells in Laboratory

Great Smokies Diagnostics Labs

‘Green’ vaccine for vomiting bug

Growing a new cash crop with Chinese medicinal herbs

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica

Hand Acupuncture Points

Hand Acupuncture Points

Hand reflexology

Heal Hemorrhoids Naturally With Herbs

Heal Your Pet Naturally with Acupuncture

Healing Foods

Health Benefits of Acupuncture

Heavy metal induced oxidative stress & its possible reversal by chelation therapy.

Hepatitis Epidemic and Natural Remedies That Can Help

Herb Officially Recognized In England as A Cure for Colds

Herb Reference

Herbal Remedy Deemed Safe and Seemingly Effective in Heart Failure

Herbal Supplements Simplified

Herbs and Supplements to Lower High Cholesterol

HERBS: YARROW (Achiliea millefolium)

Homeopathic Books online- free

Homeopathic Lyme Nosode

Homeopathic Transdermal Disc For Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Homeopathic treatment of 1918 flu

Homeopathy and its ethical use in dentistry

Homeopathic treatment is effective and safe in the treatment of minor aphthus ulcer.

Homeopathy Explained by John Henry Clarke, MD -book

Homeopathy the Scientific Proof of Efficacy

How Chronic Emotional Stress Can Ruin Your Health 

How to Beat and Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally  

How to Clear Your Sinuses with Your Tongue and Your Thumb in 20 Seconds

How to Make Turmeric Honey For Inflammation

How to Spot and Handle Suppression in Medicine-Identical Medical and Religious Patterns of Suppression in the Late 20th Century- Book


Hydrogen Peroxide in the Human Body

Improving effects of the mushroom Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceus) on mild cognitive impairment: a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.

Inflammation and Systemic Stress-Magnesium

Ingredients in So-Called “Natural” BodyCare Products

Insurance Coverage and Subsequent Utilization of Complementary and Alternative Medical (CAM) Providers

Integrative medicine and the role of modified citrus pectin/alginates in heavy metal chelation and detoxification–five case reports.

Keep your dog cool in summer with 10 DIY home remedies to prevent overheating

Kidney Stones: A Squeeze of Lemon Juice Prevents the Most Painful Condition Known to Man  

Kinesiology Self-Testing Steps 

Laymans Guide to Acupuncture

Learn the Truth about Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss

Learn Well

Licorice Prevents Sore Throats after Operations  

Licorice Treats Peptic Ulcers and Helicobacter Pylori Infection 

Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize Winner, Takes Homeopathy Seriously

Magnesium – The Anti-Inflammatory Mineral

Make Your Own Nourishing Seaweed Spa Bath

Maran Illustrated Yoga book-Free download

Medicinal Mushrooms: Immune Health & More

Mediral Newsletter 

Meridian Tooth Chart

Methamphetamine exposure and chronic illness in police officers: significant improvement with sauna-based detoxification therapy.

Mistletoe Makes Further Gains In Cancer

More support for prebiotic, probiotics for colon health

Music may aid stroke recovery

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Natural Baby, Toxic World

Natural Health Library (downloadable books)

Natural Cold Sore Remedies

Natural Remedy Guide

Natural Treatments for Coughs: Use Herbs and Homeopathy

Natural Ways Work to Alleviate Dandruff  

Naturally Sweet: Learn Why You Should Eat Raw Honey

Naturopathy, Bodywork, Acupuncture…Claim Accepted

New Respect Between East and West

New Trials Support the Effectiveness of Cupping Therapy

Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning

Not Just a Beautiful Flower: The Marigold Brings Natural Health

Nutrient Reference

Oil Pulling Cures

Oil Pulling is a Simple, Inexpensive Method to Improve Your Health

Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation appears to attenuate particulate air pollution induced cardiac effects and lipid changes in healthy middle-aged adults

Online Homeopathic Remedies (free sign up)

Online New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory


Paw Paw

Peer-Reviewed Research Backs Homeopathy

Pulse Diagnosis

Probiotics may ease stress-related gut problems

Protective effect of Ginkgo biloba extract on liver damage by a single dose of CCl 4 in male rats

Pu-erh Tea is a Chinese Cholesterol Remedy and Overall Health Tonic  


Raise Your Child’s IQ With Adequate Amounts of DHA

Red Yeast Rice Lowers Cholesterol: Study Backs Up Centuries of Traditional Use

Remedies for Menopausal Symptoms

Repelling Bugs With The Essence Of Grapefruit

Role of Homoeopathy in the Management of Autism: Study of Effects of Homoeopathic Treatment on the Autism Triad

Science builds behind immune boosting microalgae derivative

Science builds for bilberry extracts kidney benefits

Sixteen Active Plant Components Explained

Study Finds Melatonin Reduces Delirium after Operations in Children

Studies show citrus rinds offer new twist on toxin removal

Sub-occipital Triangle

Supramolecular Nanostructures in Highly Dilute Solutions Required for Biological Activity

Taking The Fear Out of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

The Amazing Tonic Herb Known as Tian Men Dong

The BBC Abandons Its Complementary Medicine Website Due to Pressure

The BANANAS with dark patches on yellow skin…

The Herxheimer Reaction – Feeling worse before feeling better

The integrated treatment of cancer in Chinese Hospitals

The Power of Enzymes – Discover the Key to Good Health

The psychopharmacology of European herbs with cognition-enhancing properties.

The role of modified citrus pectin as an effective chelator of lead in children hospitalized with toxic lead levels.

The Strange Case of the Missing Microfiber

The surprising story of Charles Darwin and his homeopathic doctor

The Transcendental Meditation Program® Reduces Congestive Heart Failure,

The X-Factor: Could Vitamin E Be the Key to a Long and Healthy Life?

These Top Seven Herbs Promote Healthy Blood Sugar and Support Diabetes

Tongue & Mouth Diagnosis

Top Ten Natural Ways to Remove Heavy Metals  

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Bone Health

Traditional Chinese Medicine for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Treat Candida Infections with Enzymes and Diet

Treatment With NAC Is Associated With Better Outcomes For Children With Liver Failure, Study Suggests

Unblock bodies energy

Urinary tract infection

Use Hypnoanalgesic Techniques with Pain Patients

Use Natural Cures for Tinea, or Fungal Skin Infections

Use Natural Remedies for Bee Stings

Using acupuncture to treat pain is catching on

Vaxa “Adapt”

Vaxa “Attend”

Vaxa “Oral Chelation”

Vaxa “Thryoid Support”

Veterinary Homeopathy

VIDEO of your tongue

Vitamin C Boosts Life Expectancy and Removes Plaque from Blood Vessels  

Vitamin C May Offer Potential Life-Saving Treatment for Sepsis

Vitamin D, Green Tea and Cocoa Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease  

Vitamins Cure Skin Conditions


Wellness Center Newsletter

What Everybody Ought to Know About Medicinal Uses Of 22 Common Spices

What your tongue says about your health.When It Comes to Good Health, Vitamin D Delivers

What The Color Of Your Snot Says About Your Health

Whole Body Detox (Part 1): Lymphatic Cleansing With Rebound Exercise

Wildflower Extracts Easily Kill MRSA Superbug

Wrong Diagnosis-Fingernail-Symptoms









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