Advocacy Groups

Ability Maine

ACCERT Organization

ADA Consultants

Allergy & Environmental Health Association

Allergy & Environmentally Sensitive Support and Research Association

Allergy and Environmental Health Association of Quebec

Allergy Kids

Alliance for Human Research Protection

Autism Society of America

Aviation Organophoshate Information Site

Boston Self-Help

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics

Canadian Lung Association

Canadian Neurotoxicity Information Network

Cancer Prevention Coalition

Center for a New American Dream

Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice

Center for Health, Environment and Justice

CFS, Fibromyalgia and Chemically Sensitivity Coalition of Chicago

Chemical Injury

Chemical Sensitivity Disorders Association

Chemical Sensitivity Foundation

Children’s Health & Environmental Coalition

Citizens for A Safe Learning Environment

Clean Production Action

Cleaner Indoor Air Campaign

Collaborative for High Performance Schools

Concept Med

Consumer Health Organization of Canada

Corporate Accountability International

CSN – Chemical Sensitivity Network

Disability Legal

Disabled News

Ecological Health Organization, Inc.

Environmental Choice Program

Environmental Health Association of Nova Scotia

Environmental Health Coalition

Environmental Illness Resource

Environmental Working Group

European Food Safety Authority

Fragranced Products Information Network

Friends of the Earth


Global Chemical Pollution

Global Indoor Health Network


HEAL Human Ecology Action League

Health Care Without Harm

Health and Environment Resource Center

Healthy Building, Inc

Healthy Car

Human Side of Lyme

I Am Not A Guinea Pig

Indigenous Environmental Network

Integrity in Science

Invisible Disability Advocate

Irish Doctors Environmental Association

Job Accommodation Network’s Searchable Online Accommodation Resource (SOAR)

Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC)

Louisiana Environmental Action Network

Massachusetts Association for the Chemically Injured

Morgellons Research

Mt. Sinai Children’s Environmental Health Center

National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides

National Environment Trust

National Environmental Education & Training Foundation

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

National Vaccine Information Center

Natural Resources Defense Council

New York No-Spray Coalition

No Fragrance Org.

Non Toxic

Organic Consumers Association

Pesticide Action Network North America

Physicians & Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology

Physicians For Social Responsibility

Preventing Harm: A Resource and Action Center on Children and the Environment

Public Citizen

Public Interest Research Group

Publics Right 2 Know

Safer World

Say No to GMO’S

Silent Spring Institute

Smart Meters (full listing of state organizations)

Stop Global Warming

The Endocrine Disruption Exchange

The National Association for the Dually Diagnosed

The Rooster Crows

Think Twice-Global Vaccine Institute

Vaccine Exemptions

Vaccine Liberation

Vaccination Risk Awareness Network

Washington Toxics Coalition

Women in Europe for a Common Future

Women’s Voices for the Earth

World Trade Center Environmental Organization

World Wildlife Foundation

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