Hormones,Testes, Ovaries, Adrenals, Pancreas & Endocrine Disrupting Hormones

Repeated antibiotic use linked to diabetes

The Mother of Endocrine Disruption Science

Are you eating a hormone disruptor? Propyl paraben found in nearly 50 name-brand foods

New research raises more alarm about hormone-mimicking chemicals  “We’re talking about something like lead and IQ.”

Hormone Disrupting Chemical Banned In EU Found in 50 Top US Snacks

Suspected Hormone-Changing Chemical Found in Air Near Factories

Pesticides on Vegetables and Fruit Linked to Lower Sperm Counts

Here’s the Staggering Healthcare Cost of Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

A path forward in the debate over health impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals

Fluoride in water increases risk of thyroid illness ‘by 30 per cent’

Hormone-Mimicking Chemicals May Threaten Male Fertility, Study Warns

Puberty Comes Earlier and Earlier for Girls

Plastic chemicals linked to earlier menopause

6 surprising ways to postpone the menopause

Children’s toys and your sex life: One may injure the other

That Takeout Coffee Cup May Be Messing With Your Hormones

So what is a hormone disruptor (video)

Low-level lead exposure linked to early menopause.

Perfluorinated chemical linked to later menstruation.

Synthetic female hormones causing mass feminization of men, warns scientist

Early onset of puberty in girls linked to obesity

Endocrine disruptive compounds and cardio-metabolic risk factors in children.

Chemicals in plastic ‘are making women less interested in sex’: Low libido linked to additives used to soften materials found in every home

Reversal of type 2 diabetes: normalisation of beta cell function in association with decreased pancreas and liver triacylglycerol

New Study Suggests Exposure to Roundup Herbicide Could Lead to Male Infertility

Black and Hispanic Kids Have a 50 Percent Chance of Developing Diabetes

Sweden to sue EU for delay on hormone disrupting chemicals

EPA Hasn’t Shown Its Tests Can Detect Endocrine Disruptor Harm, Critique Says

Is the wine industry killing off French sperm?

High PCBs linked to lower testosterone in Mohawk boys.

Contaminated tribe: Hormone-blocking chemicals found in First Nation families

Mmm, what bacon is doing to male fertility and sperm quality

Gliadin Fragments and a Specific Gliadin 33-mer Peptide Close KATP Channels and Induce Insulin Secretion in INS-1E Cells and Rat Islets of Langerhans

Banned pesticides linked to endometriosis

EU to Address Risks of Chemical Mixtures, Endocrine Disruptors, Nanosubstances

Stain-Resistant Fabrics May Boost Thyroid Hormones

Environmentally induced epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of ovarian disease

Environmental exposure to arsenic may reduce human semen quality: associations derived from a Chinese cross-sectional study.

Plastics chemicals linked to diabetes in women; blacks and Hispanics most exposed


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