Ever since the advent of synthetic petrochemically derived products there have been a myriad of illnesses that are affecting everyone. The emerging field of environmental medicine is at the forefront of researching how our everyday personal care products, laundry products, cleaning products, pesticides are related to the increase of numerous environmentally related illnesses.
We are now learning that water intrusion damage can produce mycotoxins that affect peoples health. It’s important that a building with water damage be properly tested and professionally remediated to mitigate the growth of mold. No professional would do both the mold testing and remediation. Doing so is a definite conflict of interest.
People are becoming more reactive to their environment and are seeking knowledge, education and resources to help them understand what is happening to them. Seasoned medical professionals were never educated in this arena. Only recently has there been continuing medical educational credits offered in this field.
As the science becomes available we will be providing the research to you. Some of the articles are from subscription based journals, others can be downloaded in pdf format. Most of the newspaper articles can be accessed by free online subscriptions to the publications.
Public and university libraries can obtain through interlibrary loan journals that they do not have in their archives.
For those who wish to have the full article, please contact us to see if we have it in our library.
We hope that the questions that you are seeking answers to are available on this site whether you are a medical professional, researcher, patient or consumer.
We have intentionally chosen to add a humor section to a predominately medically oriented site. When people suffer from such a life altering illness they sometimes just need to be distracted and laugh to relive stress. Henceforth, the humor section is for those who need to laugh, especially at themselves and at the expense of industry.
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