
Attorneys seeking copies of information in our archives, the fees are as follows:  $275.00/hr, 1 hour minimum, then at 30 minute intervals for research and copying time. Copying charges of 0.60 per page/1 side.  These are not negotiable or billable, 50% down payment upon request for services balance due in full prior to release. Please allow 1-2 weeks for request. For expedited service the hourly fee is $350.00 for a 2 day turn around.

We are always interested in attorneys who are familiar with chemical injury, toxic torts, ADA, smart meters/EMF/RF, products liability, environmental exposures, mold, workers compensation, disability (SS, short/long term), water damage, with proven track records.

If you have litigated these types of cases, please contact us for inclusion on our site for referrals.



Law Offices of Steven M. Burris, 2810 W. Charleston Blvd., Ste. F-58, Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702)-258-6238



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