National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation

is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
whose core purposes are to provide education and services to the growing segment of the population who are adversely affected by everyday chemicals and toxins in our environment.

Established in 1998.


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 Updated: February 9, 2011

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Molly's Corner


Awareness that Chemicals Cause Environmental Sickness & Suffering  

Meet Molly our junior coordinator for USA-Access, in Missouri.  Molly has been instrumental in orchestrating a grassroots effort of concerned children for their own and the future health of everyone on the planet.  Her group is creating an awareness of health concerns associated with everyday products and chemicals that we all are in contact with.  These future responsible adults are trying to educate everyone from fellow classmates, teachers, parents and government officials that there are safe and less toxic alternatives to everyday toxins and poisons.  They are hoping to spread the word of safer alternatives and less childhood illnesses such as asthma because of toxins in schools along with safer alternatives to pesticides on the playgrounds.

Molly is networking with other interested children nationally and is in the planning stages of looking into monthly telephone conference calls to exchange ideas, successes in the near future on a broader level. Currently, Molly is in contact with some concerned students on the west coast. 

They currently are recording their conversations to share with other interested students to further their knowledge of safer resources for healthier lives.  She will be posting on the internet the recordings in the near future.

Stay tuned for their endeavors and successes.

Join our young environmentalist campaign ….Children as young as 10 years old are becoming more aware and looking to make a difference in their futures and the future of  our planet. 

Contact  Jeannie the Coordinator for  MO ACCESS 

Students are invited to contact Molly to share their thoughts that only younger adults can understand. Molly